April 2023 Market Stats for Caledon

April 2023 market stats for Caledon at a glance:

* The Average sale price was $1,435,851 which was down by 18.97%.
* Active listings in Caledon were 201 which increased by 12.92% in April 2023 over the same month in 2022.
* Number of listings in April 2023 vs. April 2022 was 157 that decreased by 33.76%
* The number of homes sold was 78 which decreased by 21.21% over last year.
* The average days on the market increased to 23 days, a 64% change over last year.

As always, if you have any questions about the market or are looking to buy or sell, feel free to reach out to me. ??Enter Blog Post Here